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Training for former inmates and probationers

Training for former inmates and probationers

At the Institute of Democracy, the Training for Effective Communication and Sob Searching was held for former inmates, inmates’ family members and probationers.

Part of listeners were job-seekers, whereas another part the individuals running their own business. They received information from the trainers upon highlighting their activity in the Social Network, in particular:

✓ What to place on the Internet

✓ How to manage Facebook Page

✓ How to design posts in your Social Network

✓ How to interest users

✓ How to establish new business contacts

The listeners together with various successful business companies discussed Facebook page, as well as created their own page with the help of practical work and shared for the first time public information.

During the training, job seekers informed upon key tips by the trainers to be considered during the first communication with the employers. The listeners expressed excitement when dress code was named as one of the noteworthy conditions during the job interview.

As noted by the job-seekers listeners after the training they will freely undertake interview with the employers.

Training was held in the frame of the Institute of Democracy project supporting former inmates, inmates’’ families and probationers. The project is being implemented by Guria Youth Resource Center, Tanaziari and Foundation Abkhazinterkont together with the Institute of Democracy.

Project is funded by the European Union.