On the topics of the petition implementation process, as well as specific steps taken a working meeting was held at the Governing Board of Chkhorotsku Municipality. As clarified at the meeting, the issues of rehabilitating a drinking water and regular water supply still failed at the Municipality. The Governing Board recognized this issue as eligible, though due to absence of financial resources it failed to settle the above-mentioned problem. According to Governor’s explanation, the problem of water supply shall be settled for the coming year.
As it has become known at the meeting the Municipality has already launched implementation of several issues requested with the petition. In particular, placement of the waste containers, installation of the street lightning and arrangement of the mini stadium.
According to the information by the Governing Board, a work for settling Khobistskali Coastline and announcement of the tender for installing lying patrol is being conducted.
The aim of the project “Petition – People’s Voice in the Self-Governance” is to identify active citizens in the self-governing bodies, identification of the problems, supporting a successful practice for reviewing the petition in the Municipal Assemblies.
The Institute of Democracy is implementing the project “Petition – People’s Voice in the Self-Governance” together with partner organizations with the support of the USAID.